On Remembering


The last time i saw myself

was at the bottom of a cup

reflected in red porcelain,

and the last time i tried to remember,

I was peering through a hole,

a cut-out void.

The last time it was this quiet was at 3PM

siesta—— but unlike the dawn

there were no ghosts, only children

who are no longer children,

siblings whom you share marrow and bone,

born a year after the other during the

episode of when our parents loved each other

a little more.

Now, only a little less.

The universe stretches itself into black

and space takes away what it can,

So that by some principle, we are only left

with floating unknowns.

Angry at the weight of gas upon gas

the planets creak and continue to spin.

Us, too, in our own orbits move in motion

where time does not end and nothing is last.


bearing the weight of people

upon people upon people.


The last time Jupiter fell was in a dream.

This piece won The Today’s Carolinian’s 2014 Literary Fest: Kuris. It (along with two others) was also published on the 2015 UP Portia Sorority Literary Folio, Gunita. Find the online version here.


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